Author: Oonagh
Author Archives: Oonagh
Garden People
Planting onions in the snow…..
Had a great day in the tunnel with my eager well wrapped up group. We talked about spuds, we put early main crop ”Blue Danube” potatoes chitting in a box with the rose end facing the sky. They are a blight resistant variety and they are in my kitchen tonight…
New herb classes starting…

Learn how to grow herbs like this beautiful Borage, which the bees love. Growing and using herbs, classes starting the 13th April.It’s a Saturday. Learn about annuals and perennials, propagation and seed sowing. Succession growing and using and cooking with herbs in your daily life. Want to grow coriander and…
The glory of Ramsons…
A memory from February…
When dreams come true…
”Had a brilliant and very inspiring morning on my first session in an Organic Gardening Course. Many thanks Oonagh ODwyer and Wildkitchen. You really have motivated me to regain control of the raised beds!! :-)” This is a quote from one of the participants of the first organic gardening class, held at…
Coming up…
ORGANIC GARDENING COURSE Hands on course Learn to look after the living soil ‘’Ithir Beo’’, Plan your crops and learn about varieties, crop rotations and weed control. Plan amounts to grow for an average Family/Garden. Save money, be healthier, and have great fun. Tuesdays all Spring/Summer. Callura, Lahinch. Commencing 5th.…
Forward thinking…
If you want to be happy for a week, take a wife. If you want to be happy for a month, kill your pig. If you want to be happy for life, plant a garden. (Chinese proverb)