Wild Kitchen is proud to be part of the GEOfood brand.

Owner Oonagh O’Dwyer produces her unique range

of GEOfood Haw Ketchup and Elderflower Champagne

using wild food which is foraged locally in the Burren

and produced in her home. 

The product is available to buy at her premises.














Connecting People with Place & Food

GEOfood producers are a part of a local food network and an
established global food network that actively promote and
support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

A GEOfood label gives customers confidence in knowing that
their produce is of good quality and is sourced locally.

GEOfood promotes the growth of seasonal fresh produce that
supports biodiversity and ensures animal welfare.

GEOfood producers provide accurate information on how the
produce has natural avours and qualities of the unique

Geoheritage in the Burren and Clis of Moher UNESCO Geopark.
GEOfood producers have a global audience on the

GEOfood preserves and raises awareness of the food traditions,
culture and heritage in UNESCO Global Geoparks.

GEOfood producers strengthen local livelihoods by purchasing
locally, employing local people where possible, and using local
services where possible.


The GEOfood initiative has been led by Magma UNESCO Global Geopark in Norway since 2013 and has grown to include partners in UNESCO Global Geoparks throughout the world. The GEOfood brand is managed by the Magma UNESCO Global Geopark team and the story of GEOfood and our global food partners is on


With a rich culture of food production that dates back for thousands of years, and a unique geological landscape that sustains a wide array of biodiversity, the Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark is a perfect fit for GEOfood. From ‘winterage’ beef to foraged haw ketchup to farm ice-cream to hand-harvested smoked oysters, the diversity of food and production methods for food in our Geopark is vast.

Every product has its own story to tell and that is just what we aim to do.

The Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark became a member of the international GEOfood network in 2021. We are very proud to support and promote the sustainable development and appreciation of a great and ancient food tradition rooted in geology.


We are a family-owned, small scale artisan producer of small-batch wild food products that are seasonal and sustainably sourced and grown. Located near Lahinch to the South of the Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark, we grow an organic range of vegetables, tunnel crops, wild food flowers and plants which are sold at seasonal markets and Food Fayres in the Geopark region. We are a business that follows the Geopark Code of Practice for Sustainable Tourism, and  pride ourselves on using recyclable and compostable packaging for all our picnics and products. The head of the family, is my self Oonagh O’Dwyer, I am a passionate environmentalist and provide training in ‘Biodiversity for Businesses’ for the Geopark Code of Practice.

Haw Ketchup


In Celtic mythology, the hawthorn tree is one of the most sacred trees and symbolises love and protection. It is known as the Fairy Tree, as fairies are said to live under the Hawthorn as its guardians. This led to the tree being treated with great respect and care.

Hawthorn trees are native Irish deciduous trees, with thorns and lobed leaves, and adorn the countryside in May with the May Blossom of white/pinkish flowers. Their young leaves have a pleasant nutty taste and their flowers and leaves make delicious tea and other quirky food products.


When we have hand-picked enough berries from nearby hawthorn trees, we begin their preparation process, using a unique recipe to turn the berries into a delicious Haw Ketchup.


Elderflower Fizz


The Elder is a native Irish Tree, Tromán as Gaeilge Sambucus nigra, in Latin. It is common in the countryside and often found near old farmhouses and is often associated with badger setts. The fruit and flowers have many medicinal benefits, as the berries are a rich source of Vitamin C and the flowers are made into cordials and alcoholic drinks. The pithy stems are hollowed out and made into whistles. In nature, such hollow branches provide nest chambers for bumblebee larvae and shelter for hibernating insects.

The Elder was connected with magic. The Elder-tree or earth mother, lived in the tree and watched over it. If an Elder chose to grow in your garden, it meant that the mother had chosen to protect you, and you must not cut it down (without permission) or burn it. It was also cultivated in gardens for the same reasons.

Used in magic and medicine and highly respected it is a beautiful tree when in flower and has so many uses, the Victorian ladies even used the berries as hair dye! Berries for wine, desserts, jams and jellies. Flowers for drinks, salads, desserts and can be dried for tea.


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